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Continuously Speeding up the Development of the Textile Industry, Creating a New Path for Intelligent Upgrading
Addtime:2023-03-20 16:32:58  Hits:
Currently, the speed of technological innovation in various industries is accelerating, and China's textile industry is undergoing a new round of industrial restructuring driven by new technologies. With the release of the "13th Five Year Plan" for the Development of the Textile Industry, the entire Chinese textile industry has officially shifted towards intelligent and digital direction.
Since the reform and opening up, the development speed of China's manufacturing industry has been accelerating, and many industries, including steel manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing, have entered a new period of development. The textile industry, as a major component of the entire manufacturing industry, has made certain achievements after decades of development.
The development of the textile industry continues to accelerate, and industry insiders are full of confidence in the future prospects
As we all know, the textile industry, as a traditional pillar industry of our national economy, not only plays a crucial role in the development of our national economy, but also contributes to the growth of the world economy. At present, the output of major textile products such as chemical fiber, yarn, and cloth in China has shown a sustained growth trend. The output of major textiles has ranked among the top in the world, and the quantity and quality of the entire textile industry are continuously improving.
In order to promote the development of the textile industry, China's relevant departments have issued a series of policies. For example, in September 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China issued the "13th Five Year Plan" for the Development of the Textile Industry. According to the document, the proportion of China's total textile exports in the world's total has increased from 10.42% in 2000 to 38.60% in 2015. This reflects from one side that the total export volume of China's textiles is increasing and the international trade status is constantly improving.
At the same time, the amount of fixed assets investment in China's textile industry is also increasing, and people in the industry are full of confidence in the future development of the textile industry. According to the relevant statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2005, the fixed assets investment in China's textile industry exceeded 100 billion yuan. By 2015, the fixed assets investment in China's textile industry had exceeded 600 billion yuan, which can be described as a rapid growth.
Currently, with the joint efforts of relevant institutions and industry insiders, China's textile industry has entered a rapid development stage, and the industry scale and economic benefits have also continued to grow. From 2006 to 2016, the annual composite growth rate of China's textile manufacturing owner business income exceeded 10%. Although China's textile industry has achieved certain development achievements, in terms of the overall development situation of the industry, there are still some problems in the development process of China's textile industry.
The development of the entire industry is facing challenges, and intelligent and digital transformation is a realistic need
In terms of the development model of China's textile industry, the manufacturing and production of textiles often rely on a large amount of labor. At the present stage, China's labor cost is increasing year by year, which is far higher than that of countries such as Southeast Asia and Africa. The increase in labor costs increases the cost of manufacturing products for enterprises, which is not conducive to the expansion of production scale and the improvement of profitability. At the same time, China's current textile technology still relies on traditional manual production, and the overall manufacturing technology still lags behind that of developed countries such as Europe and the United States.
In addition, due to the impact of consumption upgrading, consumers' consumption concepts have undergone significant changes. The entry of foreign textile brands into the Chinese market has had a certain impact on traditional domestic textile brands. Young consumers who advocate fashion often consider multiple factors such as product design and fashion when purchasing textile products such as clothing and footwear. Domestic textile brands can maintain a certain competitive advantage in the fierce competition only by following the market trend and creating their own core competitiveness.
Currently, the international situation is unpredictable, and countries around the world are stepping up equipment and technology upgrades in order to expand their market share in trade competition. In order to enhance competitiveness, some countries use advanced equipment to produce textiles, which effectively improves the production efficiency of products. At the same time, there are relatively few enterprises in China that use new equipment for textile production, and Chinese textiles still face some challenges if they want to further go abroad.
In the face of challenges, it is necessary to promote the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry towards automation, digitization, and intelligence. Under the guidance of policies such as "Made in China 2025", enterprises can continuously improve the production efficiency and quality of their products only by keeping pace with the times and promoting the construction of intelligent factories. At the same time, integrating cloud computing, big data, and other technologies into the development of the textile industry can accelerate the transformation of the textile industry towards a modern model.
To accelerate the transformation and upgrading of intelligence, enterprises can set up intelligent workshops to achieve automation throughout the production process, intelligent control systems, and informatization of online monitoring. Taking the production process of yarn products as an example, each spindle can be networked through sensors, and the system can monitor the operation of each spindle on the production line in real time. With the help of emerging science and technology, enterprises can significantly save labor costs and improve production efficiency.
At a time of dramatic changes in the development environment of China's textile industry, enterprises should pay more attention to using modern equipment such as robots to promote the efficiency of textile production. At the same time, combining the new generation of artificial intelligence technology with the design, production, marketing, logistics and other aspects of the textile industry can promote the transformation of the production mode of textiles towards flexibility, intelligence, and refinement. The transformation from traditional production manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing also helps enterprises continuously improve technology and achieve intelligent upgrading.
In the future, consumers' demand for textiles such as clothing and luggage will become more diversified, which is driving the emergence of diversified textiles. Among many textile manufacturers, those that focus on improving product quality and product design are expected to stand out in the fierce competition and bring consumers a new product experience


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